![]() |
01) G. Quincy (1961) |
"Special annotated catalogue of landings" |
Unpublished manuscript |
02) J. Valleč ( 1969) |
"Appendix : a century of UFO landings (1868-1968)" |
in 'Passport to Magonia : from folklore to flying saucers', Henry Regnery Co., Chicago, 164-360 + (1969/71) "Un siecle d'atterrissages" LDLN/LDLN Contact Lecteurs 12/14, 99/110bis |
03) P. Rogerson (1972/82) |
"INTCAT - International Catalogue of Type-1 UFO reports" |
MUFOB 5, 4 + 6, 4 + (New Series) 35/49 + MAGONIA 1/2, 4/6, 8/9 |
There is also a complete manuscript: "A century of UFO landings: 1880-1980" |
04) J. Bonabot (1975/80) |
"Catalogue international des phenomenes de Type-1" |
UFO INFO 10/13, 42/54 + 15, 60 & 62 |
05) E. Russo (1979) |
"Catalogo internazionale di atterraggi UFO - INTCAT" |
UFOLOGIA 1, 6 + 2, 2 |
06) AA.VV. (1966) |
"The humanoids : a survey of world wide reports of landings of unconventional aerial objects and their alleged occupants" |
FSR Special Issue 1 [CE III] |
07) J.U. Pereira (1974) |
"Les extraterrestres" |
PHENOMENES SPATIAUX numero speciale 2 + P.S. 20/28 + STENDEK 2/3, 5/10 + CLYPEUS 8, 34/35 [CE III] |
08) T. Phillips (1975) |
"Physical traces associated with UFO sightings" |
CUFOS Technical Report 1 [Traces] |
09) T. Phillips (1977) |
"Physical traces of UFO sightings" |
CUFOS [Traces] |
01) A. Gamard (1977) |
"A provisional check list of French humanoid cases" |
UFO REGISTER 7, 2, 42-46 [CE III] |
02) M. Figuet & J.L. Ruchon (1979) |
"OVNI : le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France" |
Alain Lefeuvre Editeur, Nice |
03) E. Zurcher (1979) |
"Annexe : liste des apparitions d'ufonautes en France depuis le debut du siecle" |
in "Les apparitions d'humanoides", Alain Lefeuvre Editeur, Nice, 311-315 [CE III] |
04) E. Zurcher (1980) |
"Catalogue inedit" |
LDLN 23, 195, 26 [CE III] |
05) A. Gamard (1980) |
"Listing de cas francais avec entities" |
NOTICE 1, 3, 2-4 |
06) M. Figuet (1983) |
"FRANCAT - Rencontres Rapprochees en France" |
Private edition |
01) J. Bonabot (1972) |
"Type-1 phenomenes en Belgique" |
GESAG Special 1 |
02) J. Bonabot (1979) |
"Listing of Belgian close encounters" |
Unpublished listing |
01) J. Vallee (1971) |
"Preliminary census of British landings" |
01) A. Schneider (1982) |
"Landing cases in Germany" |
01) W. Wegner (1975) |
"UFO landiger I Danmark: katalog over 120 Danske Type-1 observationer" |
FUFOS, Copenhagen |
Besides Maurizio Vergas papers and articles: |
01) F. Izzo (1976) |
"An up-to-date catalogue of close encounters of third kind in Italy" |
Unpublished manuscript [CE III] |
02) G. Neri (1978/79) |
"Catalogo delle osservazioni di I, II e III tipo (classificazione Hynek) avvenute sul territorio italiano dal 1931 al 1977" + Appendice 1 |
Unpublished manuscript |
03) P. Fiorino & E. Russo (1982) |
"IR 3 in Italia - Catalogo provvisorio" |
Circolare n. 3 Progetto ITALIA 3, 10-12 [CE III] |
01) V.J. Ballester-Olmos & J. Vallee (1971) |
"Type-1 phenomena in Spain and Portugal : a study of 100 Iberian landings" |
FSR Special Issue 4, 40-64 + LDLN 14/15, 111/115bis + STENDEK n. extra 2-36 |
02) V.J. Ballester-Olmos (1976) |
"A catalogue of 200 Type-1 events in Spain and Portugal" |
CUFOS Technical Report 2 |
03) V.J. Ballester-Olmos (1978) |
"Catalogo de 200 aterrizaje de OVNIs en la peninsula iberica" |
in "OVNIs : el fenomeno aterrizaje" Plaza & Janes, Barcelona, 289-347 |
04) V.J. B.-Olmos & J.A. Fernandez (1982) |
"Computer index of the new catalogue of UFO landing reports in the Iberian peninsula" |
Unpublished listing |
05) C.J. Monteiro (1983) |
"Catalogo de observacoes de humanoides na peninsula iberica" |
C.N.I.F.O., Porto |
06) L.R. Gonzalez (1984) |
"Los casos negativos de humanoides ibericos. Un analisis preliminar" |
manoscritto inedito, 12 pagine [CE III] |
07) V.J .Ballester Olmos & J.A. Fernandez Peris (1987) |
"Enciclopedia de los encuentros cercanos con OVNIs" |
Plaza & Janes, Barcelona |
01) J.B. Musgrave (1979) |
"UFO occupants and critters" |
Global Communications, New York [CE III] |
U.S.A. |
01) J. Clark & J. Vallee (1971) |
"Researching the American landings" |
FSR 18, 5, 3-8 + 6, 10-14 |
02) T. Bloecher (1975) |
"A catalogue of humanoid reports for 1974" |
Proceedings of the 1975 MUFON UFO Symposium, Seguin, 51-76 [ENTITĄ] |
03) T.Bloecher (1976) |
"1973 - Year of the humanoids" |
CUFOS Techinical Report 4 [CE III] |
04) T. Bloecher (1978) |
"A survey of CE3K reports for 1977" |
Proceedings of the 1978 MUFON UFO Symposium, Seguin, 14-50 [CE III] |
01) W.K. Buhler (1975) |
"Vierzig begegnungen mit auberirdischen in Brasilien" |
Ventla Verlag, Wiesbaden [CE III] |
02) AA. VV. (1975) |
"40 encontres con extraterrestres no Brasil" |
SBEDV Special Bulletin, Rio de Janeiro [CE III] |
01) O.A. Uriondo (1972) |
"Los aterrizaje de OVNI en la Argentina" |
C.E.F.A.I., Buenos Aires |
02) O.A. Uriondo (1972/74) |
"Preliminary catalogue of Type-1 cases in Argentina" |
FSR Case Histories 12/18 + OVNIs : un desafio a la ciencia 1/6 + 8 |
03) O.A.Galindez (1974) |
"Algunas constantes en las manifestaciones argentinas del Tipo 1" |
OVNIs : un desafio a la ciencia 1, 1, 8-12 + 1, 2, 35-iii + 1, 4, 31-32 + 1, 5, 22-24 + 1, 6, 27-29 + 2, 8, 26-27 |
04) O.A. Uriondo (1976) |
"Nuevo catalogo de avistamientos Tipo-1 en la Argentina" |
Publicaciones Nonograficas n. 3, C.E.U., Buenos Aires |
04) R.E. Banchs (1976/77) |
"Los humanoides en Argentina" |
STENDEK 7, 26, 6-12 + 8, 27, 8-15 [CE III] |
05) R.E. Blanchs (1977) |
"La fenomenologia humanoide en Argentina" |
C.I.U., Buenos Aires [CE III] |
06) R.E.Banchs (1980) |
"Los OVNIs y sus ocupantes" |
Ediciones Tres Tiempos, Buenos Aires [CE III] |
07) G.C. Roncoroni (1981/83) |
"Catalogo computarizado de incidentes argentinos del Tipo-1" |
C.I.U., Buenos Aires |
08) G.C.Roncoroni (1983) |
"ARGENCAT - Catalogo argentino de manifestaciones OVNI Tipo 1 ( CE1 / CE2 / CE3 ) - Graficos Estadisticos" |
C.I.U., Buenos Aires, |
09) G.C.Roncoroni (1984) |
"ARGENCAT - Catalogo argentino de incidentes Tipo 1 periodo 1943- 1984" |
C.I.U., Buenos Aires |
01) K. Basterfield (1976) |
"A preliminary listing of Australasian close encounter, apparent occupant and physical trace cases" |
UFOR(SA), Prospect |
02) K. Basterfield & W.C. Chalker (1976) |
"An Australian catalogue of close encounter type three reports" |
UFOR(SA), Prospect + (1976/79) "Supplements to an Australian catalogue of CE type 3 reports" n. 1/4, UFOR(SA), Prospect - n. 5/11, A.E.S.G., Wynn Vale [CE III] |
03) W.C. Chalker (1976) |
"Preliminary catalogue of Australian UFO trace cases" |
published by M. Smyth [Traces] |
04) K. Basterfield (1978) |
"A source catalogue of Australasian UFO and related reports" |
UFOR(SA), Prospect |
05) W.C. Chalker (1979) |
"Preliminary abstracts of Australian physical trace cases : pre- history to 1966" |
private edition [Traces] |
06) K. Basterfield (1980) |
"An indepth review of Australasian UFO related entity reports" |
07) K. Basterfield (1981) |
"A listing of Australian Type-1 events" |
NOTICE 1, 2, 7-9 |
08) K. Basterfield (1981) |
"A catalogue of Australian Type-1 events" |
Unpublished listing |