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A Bibliography of Catalogs, Research Studies and Books




01) G. Quincy (1961)
"Special annotated catalogue of landings"
Unpublished manuscript
02) J. Valleč ( 1969)
"Appendix : a century of UFO landings (1868-1968)"
in 'Passport to Magonia : from folklore to flying saucers', Henry Regnery Co., Chicago, 164-360 + (1969/71) "Un siecle d'atterrissages" LDLN/LDLN Contact Lecteurs 12/14, 99/110bis
03) P. Rogerson (1972/82)
"INTCAT - International Catalogue of Type-1 UFO reports"
MUFOB 5, 4 + 6, 4 + (New Series) 35/49 + MAGONIA 1/2, 4/6, 8/9
There is also a complete manuscript: "A century of UFO landings: 1880-1980"
04) J. Bonabot (1975/80)
"Catalogue international des phenomenes de Type-1"
UFO INFO 10/13, 42/54 + 15, 60 & 62
05) E. Russo (1979)
"Catalogo internazionale di atterraggi UFO - INTCAT"
UFOLOGIA 1, 6 + 2, 2
06) AA.VV. (1966)
"The humanoids : a survey of world wide reports of landings of unconventional aerial objects and their alleged occupants"
FSR Special Issue 1 [CE III]
07) J.U. Pereira (1974)
"Les extraterrestres"
PHENOMENES SPATIAUX numero speciale 2 + P.S. 20/28 + STENDEK 2/3, 5/10 + CLYPEUS 8, 34/35 [CE III]
08) T. Phillips (1975)
"Physical traces associated with UFO sightings"
CUFOS Technical Report 1 [Traces]
09) T. Phillips (1977)
"Physical traces of UFO sightings"
CUFOS [Traces]



01) A. Gamard (1977)
"A provisional check list of French humanoid cases"
UFO REGISTER 7, 2, 42-46 [CE III]
02) M. Figuet & J.L. Ruchon (1979)
"OVNI : le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France"
Alain Lefeuvre Editeur, Nice
03) E. Zurcher (1979)
"Annexe : liste des apparitions d'ufonautes en France depuis le debut du siecle"
in "Les apparitions d'humanoides", Alain Lefeuvre Editeur, Nice, 311-315 [CE III]
04) E. Zurcher (1980)
"Catalogue inedit"
LDLN 23, 195, 26 [CE III]
05) A. Gamard (1980)
"Listing de cas francais avec entities"
NOTICE 1, 3, 2-4
06) M. Figuet (1983)
"FRANCAT - Rencontres Rapprochees en France"
Private edition
01) J. Bonabot (1972)
"Type-1 phenomenes en Belgique"
GESAG Special 1
02) J. Bonabot (1979)
"Listing of Belgian close encounters"
Unpublished listing
01) J. Vallee (1971)
"Preliminary census of British landings"
01) A. Schneider (1982)
"Landing cases in Germany"
01) W. Wegner (1975)
"UFO landiger I Danmark: katalog over 120 Danske Type-1 observationer"
FUFOS, Copenhagen
Besides Maurizio Verga’s papers and articles:
01) F. Izzo (1976)
"An up-to-date catalogue of close encounters of third kind in Italy"
Unpublished manuscript [CE III]
02) G. Neri (1978/79)
"Catalogo delle osservazioni di I, II e III tipo (classificazione Hynek) avvenute sul territorio italiano dal 1931 al 1977" + Appendice 1
Unpublished manuscript
03) P. Fiorino & E. Russo (1982)
"IR 3 in Italia - Catalogo provvisorio"
Circolare n. 3 Progetto ITALIA 3, 10-12 [CE III]
01) V.J. Ballester-Olmos & J. Vallee (1971)
"Type-1 phenomena in Spain and Portugal : a study of 100 Iberian landings"
FSR Special Issue 4, 40-64 + LDLN 14/15, 111/115bis + STENDEK n. extra 2-36
02) V.J. Ballester-Olmos (1976)
"A catalogue of 200 Type-1 events in Spain and Portugal"
CUFOS Technical Report 2
03) V.J. Ballester-Olmos (1978)
"Catalogo de 200 aterrizaje de OVNIs en la peninsula iberica"
in "OVNIs : el fenomeno aterrizaje" Plaza & Janes, Barcelona, 289-347
04) V.J. B.-Olmos & J.A. Fernandez (1982)
"Computer index of the new catalogue of UFO landing reports in the Iberian peninsula"
Unpublished listing
05) C.J. Monteiro (1983)
"Catalogo de observacoes de humanoides na peninsula iberica"
C.N.I.F.O., Porto
06) L.R. Gonzalez (1984)
"Los casos negativos de humanoides ibericos. Un analisis preliminar"
manoscritto inedito, 12 pagine [CE III]
07) V.J .Ballester Olmos & J.A. Fernandez Peris (1987)
"Enciclopedia de los encuentros cercanos con OVNIs"
Plaza & Janes, Barcelona
01) J.B. Musgrave (1979)
"UFO occupants and critters"
Global Communications, New York [CE III]
01) J. Clark & J. Vallee (1971)
"Researching the American landings"
FSR 18, 5, 3-8 + 6, 10-14
02) T. Bloecher (1975)
"A catalogue of humanoid reports for 1974"
Proceedings of the 1975 MUFON UFO Symposium, Seguin, 51-76 [ENTITĄ]
03) T.Bloecher (1976)
"1973 - Year of the humanoids"
CUFOS Techinical Report 4 [CE III]
04) T. Bloecher (1978)
"A survey of CE3K reports for 1977"
Proceedings of the 1978 MUFON UFO Symposium, Seguin, 14-50 [CE III]
01) W.K. Buhler (1975)
"Vierzig begegnungen mit auberirdischen in Brasilien"
Ventla Verlag, Wiesbaden [CE III]
02) AA. VV. (1975)
"40 encontres con extraterrestres no Brasil"
SBEDV Special Bulletin, Rio de Janeiro [CE III]
01) O.A. Uriondo (1972)
"Los aterrizaje de OVNI en la Argentina"
C.E.F.A.I., Buenos Aires
02) O.A. Uriondo (1972/74)
"Preliminary catalogue of Type-1 cases in Argentina"
FSR Case Histories 12/18 + OVNIs : un desafio a la ciencia 1/6 + 8
03) O.A.Galindez (1974)
"Algunas constantes en las manifestaciones argentinas del Tipo 1"
OVNIs : un desafio a la ciencia 1, 1, 8-12 + 1, 2, 35-iii + 1, 4, 31-32 + 1, 5, 22-24 + 1, 6, 27-29 + 2, 8, 26-27
04) O.A. Uriondo (1976)
"Nuevo catalogo de avistamientos Tipo-1 en la Argentina"
Publicaciones Nonograficas n. 3, C.E.U., Buenos Aires
04) R.E. Banchs (1976/77)
"Los humanoides en Argentina"
STENDEK 7, 26, 6-12 + 8, 27, 8-15 [CE III]
05) R.E. Blanchs (1977)
"La fenomenologia humanoide en Argentina"
C.I.U., Buenos Aires [CE III]
06) R.E.Banchs (1980)
"Los OVNIs y sus ocupantes"
Ediciones Tres Tiempos, Buenos Aires [CE III]
07) G.C. Roncoroni (1981/83)
"Catalogo computarizado de incidentes argentinos del Tipo-1"
C.I.U., Buenos Aires
08) G.C.Roncoroni (1983)
"ARGENCAT - Catalogo argentino de manifestaciones OVNI Tipo 1 ( CE1 / CE2 / CE3 ) - Graficos Estadisticos"
C.I.U., Buenos Aires,
09) G.C.Roncoroni (1984)
"ARGENCAT - Catalogo argentino de incidentes Tipo 1 periodo 1943- 1984"
C.I.U., Buenos Aires
01) K. Basterfield (1976)
"A preliminary listing of Australasian close encounter, apparent occupant and physical trace cases"
UFOR(SA), Prospect
02) K. Basterfield & W.C. Chalker (1976)
"An Australian catalogue of close encounter type three reports"
UFOR(SA), Prospect +  (1976/79) "Supplements to an Australian catalogue of CE type 3 reports" n. 1/4, UFOR(SA), Prospect - n. 5/11, A.E.S.G., Wynn Vale [CE III]
03) W.C. Chalker (1976)
"Preliminary catalogue of Australian UFO trace cases"
published by M. Smyth [Traces]
04) K. Basterfield (1978)
"A source catalogue of Australasian UFO and related reports"
UFOR(SA), Prospect
05) W.C. Chalker (1979)
"Preliminary abstracts of Australian physical trace cases : pre- history to 1966"
private edition [Traces]
06) K. Basterfield (1980)
"An indepth review of Australasian UFO related entity reports"
07) K. Basterfield (1981)
"A listing of Australian Type-1 events"
NOTICE 1, 2, 7-9
08) K. Basterfield (1981)
"A catalogue of Australian Type-1 events"
Unpublished listing